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Thursday, 29 April 2010

Yin-Yang Gate Blog » Lizhe's Tai Ji Quan » The (secret) principles of Jin « University of Melbourne Lunchtime Tai Chi Class Tai Chi (internal marital arts) vs. Dancing » The (secret) principles of Jin

Based on my current understanding and training from Master Lee, I start to gain real insights into the principles of Jin (at the foundation level):
  1. Extension of tendon and muscle — this is the foundation of generating Jin
  2. Bow in every part of the body — this is to store the energy and then make the issuing of Jin stronger. As a technique, it forms the horizontal and vertical circles as well.
  3. Link the whole body — this also makes the Jin stronger and can achieve some amazing effect. Only integrated body can generate more power.
I start to feel number one now, and still need to train harder and improve on number 2 and 3.
A quick addition of more principles:
No 4. Correct body posture — this includes head, neck, back, spine, abdomen, tailbone, arms, legs, shoulders, elbows, knees, etc. It is the very foundation principle even before principle No1.
No 5. Using the Yi (mind) — this will add to the physical effect of your Jin, and enable the breakthrough of physical muscular power limitations. It makes your Jin travel further and more powerful.

- Written by Lizhe, 2010

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