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Friday, 4 March 2022

Friday, 18 December 2020

History of the internal martial arts

He is talking about what I discussed in my book. This master understands the concept of the internal style as well as the history of the Chinese martial arts field. 

He also explained why so many traditional Chinese Kung Fu masters were beaten by the MMA fighter, Xu Xiadong, at the beginning of the clip. 

Sunday, 8 November 2020

The difference between the energy and the spirit

 My student asked me a question and I think it will be good to share. As I mentioned in the book, the internal 3 unification is composed of 3 Dantien. Body, energy, and spirit. I can explain compared to a car. 

The car is the body, the gas is the energy, and the driver is the spirit. If you are lack even one of them, the car won't be able to run. All of them need to harmonize and connected to run the car smoothly. 

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

The magic

What is magic? The magic is the use of force, not of one's own, in a way that allows it to flow through the body. The foundation of the internal arts is also the same. Tai Chi uses the power of the earth and the water. Bugua uses the power of the wind and the fire. Thus, practicing the internal arts can be the key to the magic in this world. 

Listen, observe, and find what they are during the training. 

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Beware the fake martial arts


The theory of internal martial arts is fascinating and it has made many spiritual people impressed. 
However, some con-artists have used this theory and faked people. They are definitely guilty because they made every internal martial artist as con-artists. 

The theory of internal martial arts is logical. It discusses many things about energy and spirit things. However, things like non-touch KO is bullshit. As the video maker said, the principle is the same as the pseudo religions. 

If it is real, it should work for anybody, but not only for the believers. 

Thursday, 6 August 2020

The way to the advanced level of Zhan Zhuang (Standing Meditation)

Recently, I realized that I did not discuss the advanced level of Zhan Zhuang. My student reminded me of it. 

Whenever I give my students the instruction of the basics of Zhan Zhuang, they begin to focus on it. I also tell them increasing time little by little, but most of them forget it. It is a sort of boring training, thus, many of them stay in the basic stage and do not increase the time. Some of my students come to me to teach them Zhan Zhang or Tai Chi to get rid of the mental issues such as depression, frustration, and distraction. 

If you keep practicing Zhan Zhuang and Tai Chi gradually with dedication, it really works. However, as I discussed above, most of them don't dedicate to it and they look for something else(another toy) eventually. It is shame that modern people are impatient. They want to get a result as quick as possible with a little effort. If they can't, they drop it easily. If you don't get a good result, ask yourself if you really have dedicated to it. Training doesn't tell a lie. It gives you as much result as you have done. 

The purpose of the basic training of Zhan Zhuang is actually to let the students focus because most of them are distracted easily. When you imagine the ball in your palm strongly, you will realize that you are very focused in that moment. You don't see or hear anything while you are focusing. 
The ultimate goal of meditation is to empty all kinds of thoughts and to reach a state of nothingness. 

- At the first stage (around 5-20 mins) -
Physical pain stage. You will feel the pain of each part of your body, shaking, vibe, and various kinds of feelings. It means that your body adjusting the bad habits that you have had for a long time you've lived. 

- At the second stage (around 20-40 mins) -
Mental pain stage. Your physical pain will be gone and will begin to feel comfortable because your body has finished the adjustment and found a comfortable position for you. However, the monkey in your mind will begin to jump around. He's been waiting for this chance. All kinds of idle thoughts will come up on your mind and eventually, your mind will be full and messy. We call it NOISE(frequency). The noise disturbs your mental state, so you won't be able to keep your mind clean and won't able to enter the state of nothingness. Then how can you get rid of the noise? 

Focus on breathing.
When the jumping monkey is dancing around your head, ignore him, and just focus on breathing. Observe inhale and exhale. Observe what's going on in your body. Observe where and how the energy flows. 
Yes, observation is the key to meditation. 

You can even observe the jumping monkey. Why does he show up? What is he doing? When you can observe those kinds of things, you will find that you can observe yourself as a third person. From this stage, observe each part of your body and mind. Observe each pain. Then you will be able to find the pain is getting fuzzy. 

- At the third stage (around over 40 mins) -
In this stage, you won't feel any physical or mental pain. Your center will be stable and everything will be nothing. It's calm, comfortable, and peaceful. You can even feel pleasure. 

**Note: Time and the symptoms can be varied depends on the person. 

Thursday, 31 January 2019

Non-sense about Traditional Chinese Martial Artists

This is a recent issue about the "Quack Traditional Chinese Martial Artists". An MMA fighter has defeated traditional Chinese Kung Fu masters and has provoked them. Thus, many traditional Kung Fu lovers were upset and put a lot of prizes to defeat him. The bald guy is the latest challenger. He has been respected as a great master of Kung Fu in China. 

What I totally don't understand is that all (not most) of the masters in this kind of footages look like the beginners rather than the Kung Fu practitioners. 

Their punch and kick are nothing different from an ordinary person's. The battle strategy of Kung Fu is basically "Middle-range battle". The attack should be launched from point-line-surface, but if you wear boxing gloves, you cannot use it. Which means they have no idea about the Kung Fu theory. It is even not close at all. 
Even if you cannot use your fingers due to the gloves, you still have to attack the opponent using your entire body with the proper step. However, they just swing the punch like an ordinary man. 
The movement of the experts is not big like that. 

This proves what I mentioned in my book. Sadly, most (more than 90%) Chinese Kung Fu is quack. It is ridiculous that many quack masters whose skill is just like a kid have been respected as Grand Masters.

I hope the Traditional Chinese Kung Fu people reflect themselves.... but probably it won't happen. I have not seen any con artists do that. Anyways, the reputation of all of Chinese Kung Fu dropped on the ground.
What I am wondering is that why real masters do not show up in this chance. Of course, I guess why somehow, but still curious. 

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Use Yi Not Li

One of the famous Tai Ji Quan theory verses said “Use your Yi (Mind) not your Li (Strength)“.

Lots of people were confused with this (including me): if you rely on your mind and not you strength (especially muscular strength), how can you defeat your opponent? That’s because that verse is too simple and obscure, and can lead to many interpretations. If we could not experience the feelings, how can we understand that from just our usual thinking? The theory is very different from the common sense.

Only when you experience that, can you understand what that means. It does not say, just use your mind and do nothing, but actually to use your mind to generate and lead your Jin. And Jin is the weapon to defeat (or “love”) your enemy, not Li (strength). Using mind or not, the effect can be very different, even your external posture looks identical. One good example is, today I could feel clearly in one of the self-defence applications that, I could transfer my An Jin from the ground to my right hand two fingers, and issue it to the opponent. The opponent felt the very difference.

So practitioners, Use Yi Not Li…

- Written by Lizeh, 2010

Sunday, 13 June 2010

The concept of “sinking” and the pendulum force

I have found the control of sinking during Jinho Lee’s tai chi lesson. It’s not easy to understand the concept of sinking. However, if you fall many times, you might as well give it a go. Yesterday is one of those blue days whereby I fell down and at the same learned how to sink down to the gravity pull of the earth. I believe the words of Jinho Lee is absolutely true. Practicing Tai Chi regularly will prevent from falling down again.

When we fall down, our muscle is tense and therefore the impact of injuries are higher. Equally if we sink or compress into gravity, the chance of falling down and losing your balance will be minimized.

Yesterday while practicing with Jinho Lee, I am able to control the sinking of my body. For the first time, I learned both the sinking concept and holding my balance. Let me describe my experience and findings.

1. When you are ready to accept anything, everything is possible. Like falling, sinking, balancing, whatever it is, you just needed to follow. Of course you don’t want to fall down if you can prevent it. This is the fundamental thing in doing any sport. If you want to do Tai Chi, you must first accept Tai Chi, that is be ready to learn and practice the basic foundation steps.

2. Concentration and focus play the ultimate key aspects in obtaining the feeling of sinking and the pendulum force. Without concentration, your body can sink, but at the same time, you are fighting against the sinking sensation that you are trying to do. This will create the negative effect, because you are not sinking into the ground naturally and using the gravity force. Fighting against the sinking will only make your body more stiff.

3. Breathing plays an important part of Tai Chi. Breathe in and breathe out. Many of the Tai Chi moves combine with the flow of inhales and exhales. Breathing is a good way for meditation. When your mind is confused, breathe in and breathe out slowly. It takes away the distraction.

4. Make sure you have a good posture. Remember you are holding a huge beach ball wrapped around your chest, your arms, making them curve and soft. Your tail bone (or pelvic bone) curve inward, drop your hips, and your head hangs like a skeleton with a string pulling from above. Balance your body well by making a rectanglar shape with the position of your feet.

5. If you have done steps 1-4, then I will introduce the concept of sinking. The sinking comes from gravity. This means when you sink, you are sinking deep into the ground. If you feel the sinking and not fight against the sinking, you will feel your body drop to a length where you can control when to come back up again. Never fight against your own body weight when you try to sink. If you do that, you will not get enough internal force.

6. Twisting. When you feel the sinking, wait and sense the gravity pull. Control your sinking. When you are ready, you can twist your leg to bounce back up again. The twisting force combine with the initial sinking will create the most powerful internal force. This is not recognised by many, as this is not something everyone has the patience to learn. Sink, sink, sink, look at your opponent, and when you can  control your sinking, twist your feet towards the direction of your opponent. Your opponent will feel the force.

What I described in steps 5 and 6 is the concept of pendulum force. Sinking into the gravity pull of the ground, and when ready, twist your feet and bounce right back up. This will create the ultimate force. Keep practicing, you will also experience this force I describe above.

- Written by Shirley, 2010

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Tips of Tai Chi

Tip: Practice the Stake Meditation is getting closer to improving your posture in Tai Chi

Today is another great Qigong and Tai Chi lessons for everyone. What motivates one is knowing how to apply the followings:

1. Linkage in the body.
Each part of our body are linked. Our opponent could feel if your body is linked or not. Also, you as a practitioner could feel whether you are comfortable with the linkage. If each part of your body is not linked, you will feel the pain on that part of the body. To emphasis a bit more from what Jinho Lee told me, there are 3 triangles in our body, we need to maintain these 3 triangles. These triangles must associate with chest, shoulder, toe. (I guess Jinho would be in a better position to describe the linkage.) Without linkage, the opponent could easily defeat you. Without linkage, you could not utilise the whole internal force in your body. I could feel it today practicing with Lizhe, his stand is a stronger forceful one than myself, as my posture is weakening over time.

2. Learn and try to understand the application of the move.
It is a surprise to me today that the application side of the move is deemed the most important aspect of learning Tai Chi. In general class, I am able to replicate the move from Jinho as close as possible in the best of my ability, but I am analysing the move, not how the move applied to an opponent. I was side-tracked by the fact that doing Tai Chi on my own, I was particularly very careful with every stroke or arm or shoulder posture, making sure it looks close to Jinho’s demonstration. But what really surprises me today is that when I am trying to practice the move we learned in class to an opponent, I could not do it. The reason is that I practice with the moves in mind, not the person I am practicing with. Imagining the application to an opponent is absolutely vital. It’s not something anyone can do, unless practice with another person. By practicing with another person, I am able to feel and follow the flow the other person is going, leaving, and pausing. This is the first time I realise practicing tai chi with just the move in mind will not get anywhere, imagining practicing tai chi with another person is closer to what tai chi is about.

3. Internal force.
Again this point comes back to point 1: Linkage in the body. Internal force could only be generated if you have the correct posture and linkage in the body. If your posture dies and weakens, so is your internal force. To start from scratch, you must have a good posture and linkage in the body. I am still trying to get point 1 as a beginner. If I cannot achieve this, the rest is not that important.

4. Gravity force.
One of the key point I almost missed is using the power of the earth. Each and everyone of us have the gravity force. We need to use the gravity force by receiving the energy from the earth and return the energy back to the earth. Energy must come and go, receiving and absorbing. Like sun energy, we receive it but we also release it back to the nature. We need to respect nature. By using gravity force, we could feel where our opponent is going, and follow well, and then at the right time, release the force back to them. Gravity force pull from the ground, if we use it well, we can maximise our internal force.

Learning is about sharing. Sharing is about improving yourself as well as relations to others. Keep on trying! Keep on practicing! This is my fifty cents coin for today!

- Written by Shirley, 2010

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Doing Martial Arts is about sharing knowledge and respecting others

Improve yourself or win yourself..
As a pupil, learning martial arts is not about winning in the competitions or championship events. Similarly, a martial arts teacher we called “sifu” is not teaching martial arts because he/she wants to gain a better reputation on their name. The goal is the same – sharing the knowledge in martial arts and learn to respect others. Spread the good news so others would receive the benefits and continue with discipline themselves.

There are many reasons why we would want to learn martial arts. But if you asked “sifu”, he would say he wanted his pupils to learn how to treat martial arts with respect as well as in life in general. Respect and dignity is very important in the martial arts world. If you give respect to others, others will treat you the same. Practicing martial arts with others with respect is very important too. Sometimes if you just want to win and be the best, you will never understand what martial arts has to offer.

Quite often, many forgot this point when they are learning martial arts, because they are looking to wining others. At times, it doesn’t matter about winning. It’s about how well you treat others and play by the rules of the martial arts world. You never overlook others ability, but instead you should look at what they have to share with you. In traditional martial arts world, each person respects the others, even if one loses, this person still has a smile on his/her face and shakes hands. Not one wants to deliberately kill the other opponent. You always give some ground to the other person. No hatred. If we could do this, you already on the path of knowing one of the secrets of what martial arts has to offer. Discipline yourself. Respect others as well as you, even if they do a different type of martial arts than you. Treat others as you would like to be treated. If every martial artist could remember this point, it will be fairer peaceful respectful game. In term, you will change the whole way of perspective on things and people around you. We become better person by learning martial arts.

Always have a calm peaceful heart. In Confucius saying:
“Never look towards the wrong of others, if you do that, it will bring you more trouble and more hatred in your life, as well as those who you loved dearly. Only if you let go the hatred and the wrongs of others doing could you feel freedom and peace within yourself. ”

Let go of the hatred, the pain, the sorrow, release yourself to the light. By doing martial arts this way, only could you discipline yourself, you open up your mind and welcome the new you. You have advanced to the ultimate level of martial arts. It’s you who you are fighting for all along. There is no others.

- Written by Shirley, 2010

Tuesday, 25 May 2010


As I told Shirley today, I think one (secret) principle for generating the force in Fa Jin is linking/integrating. I’m still progressing with this principle so I can only write down something that I currently understand and experience.

I think there are 3 components or steps in terms of linking:
  1. Link your own body. This is the foundation. If you can’t link your body, you can’t do the rest. While in contact with the opponent, you can choose which path in your body to link.
  2. Link your body with the earth. Again, you can choose which path in your body to link with the earth. This step is important as you can borrow the force from the earth and gravity, which makes your force much stronger than just normal muscle strength.
  3. Link your body with your opponent. So you can feel your opponent and transfer the force from the ground to him/her in the most effective manner.
I believe a strong force can be generated by following the above steps.

- Written by Lizhe, 2010